Katie Hobbs Renews Unwavering Defense Of Reproductive Freedom After Far Right’s Latest Attempt to Pass Dangerous Restrictions Hobbs campaign highlights the stark contrast between her policies against Lake’s uncompromising stance on abortion PHOENIX – In light of the latest effort by Senate Republicans to criminalize doctors and curtail abortions nationwide, Secretary of State and Democratic nominee …

Katie Hobbs Champions Plans To Tackle Arizona’s Greatest Challenges on Solutions Can’t Wait Tour Through Northern Arizona Hobbs unveils education plan and touts real solutions in second leg of statewide tour  PHOENIX – This weekend, Arizona Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for governor Katie Hobbs completed the second leg of her statewide Solutions Can’t Wait …

Katie Hobbs Spends Final Day of Statewide Tour Touting Plan to Improve Education and Visiting Rural Hospital PHOENIX – Arizona Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for governor Katie Hobbs spent the final day of her Solutions Can’t Wait Tour traveling through Northern Arizona in back-to-back events that included the release of her education plan, a tour of Flagstaff …

Katie Hobbs Delivers A Prepared Arizona Plan to Bolster the State’s Education System Teachers and students join Hobbs in announcing her education plan on Solutions Can’t Wait Tour stop FLAGSTAFF – Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for governor Katie Hobbs released her A Prepared Arizona plan on Sunday to finally invest in the state’s neglected  education system, address the …