SHOT/CHASER: Kari Lake Backs Lawsuit to Outlaw Hugely-Popular Mail-In Voting…And Continues to Vote by Mail

SHOT: Kari Lake Signs On to Lawsuit to End Early Voting, Including Mail-In Voting, in 2022. Lake has been one of the most outspoken candidates in opposing early voting and vote-by-mail ballots. According to the Arizona Republic, “Lake was the only person to file a so-called friend of the court brief with the state Supreme Court supporting the elimination of mail-in voting.” [The Arizona Republic, 3/17/22]

CHASER: Lake Voted By Mail in 2020. “Lake, the former television news anchor turned GOP gubernatorial candidate, voted early in each state and federal election after 2010 through the 2020 primary.” [The Arizona Republic, 3/23/22]

AND in 2021. Despite peddling false claims about fraud in mail-in voting, “Lake did vote by mail in the November 2021 local elections, county records show.” [The Arizona Republic, 3/23/22]

LIME: Arizonans Overwhelmingly Support Mail-In Voting: “Ending Arizona’s 30-year-old early voting system would alienate voters, 89% of whom voted by mail in 2020, throw the election system into chaos and drive costs sky-high.” [The Arizona Republic, 3/17/22]

“Kari Lake is too busy trying to strip Arizonans of their freedom to vote to notice her own hypocrisy and the harm she is causing voters everywhere,” said spokesperson Jennah Rivera. “Lake’s dishonesty is disrespectful to the very people she claims she wants to represent, and Arizonans will undoubtedly see right through her lies.”
