Katie Hobbs, Arizona Democratic Party Release New Ad On Plan To Secure The Border And Spanish-Language Ad About Uplifting Small Businesses

The ads feature endorsements from two Arizona sheriffs and a Latino small business owner

PHOENIX – Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs and the Arizona Democratic Party released two new ads on Tuesday, one highlighting law enforcement’s support for her comprehensive border security plan and a Spanish language ad underscoring Hobbs’ support for small businesses.

In Hobbs’ “Here’s the Plan” ad, Pima County Sheriff Chris Nanos and Santa Cruz County Sheriff David Hathaway from Arizona’s border communities throw full support behind Hobbs’ campaign for governor and endorse her plan to strengthen border security and keep Arizonans safe.

In the Spanish-language ad, “Works Better,” small-business owner Jorge Lerma endorses Hobbs for governor and describes how she will lower costs and support businesses like his once she is in office. The Arizona Democratic Party sponsored this ad.

The two ads will air on English and Spanish broadcast and cable television and digital devices across the state, representing a seven-figure investment to reach Arizona voters in their households in their preferred language.

Click here to watch Hobbs’ new ad, “Here’s the Plan”

Ad Transcript:

[Sheriff Chris Nanos]: When it comes to the border, Katie Hobbs gets it.

[Sheriff David Hathaway]: As a border sheriff, let me tell you, Katie Hobbs is on our team.

She’s on the team of law enforcement.

[Nanos]: Katie Hobbs will deliver whatever resources are needed to keep you safe, my team safe, our state safe.

She’s not here to politicize our border.

Katie Hobbs has a plan and solutions.

[Hathaway]: I’m tired of the talk, Katie Hobbs is about action.

Katie Hobbs will keep our border secure.

[Nanos]: She’ll get this job done.

Click here to watch the new ad, “Works Better”

Ad Transcript:

[Jorge Lerma] Todos los días estoy pensando como …

… pagar la nómina, 

como hacer para que mi negocio siga operando,

y cómo cuidar (a) mis empleados.

Katie Hobbs tiene la mano firme con la economía y está siempre a favor

de los negocios pequeños.

Katie entiende a los empresarios

de Arizona.

Ella mantendrá los impuestos bajo control

Nos ayudará a bajar los costos.

Y asi

nos quedará más dinero en

los bolsillos.

Me siento muy orgulloso de apoyar a Katie Hobbs para gobernadora.

English Translation:

Every day, I’m thinking about …

… how I will cut payroll,

how to be sure my business stays open,

and how to take care of my employees.

Katie Hobbs keeps the economy in check and is always in favor

of small business owners.

Katie understands entrepreneurs

of Arizona.

She will keep taxes in check,

help us lower costs,


put money back 

into our pockets.

I’m proud to support Katie Hobbs for Governor.