Kari Lake Won’t ‘Unite The Right’ By Embracing Sedition

Upcoming extremist rally draws attention to Lake’s calls for secession, defunding law enforcement

PHOENIX – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is headed for Arizona on Sunday to headline a far-right extremist rally with Kari Lake, who spent the first days of her general election campaign boasting about driving “a stake through the heart of the McCain machine,” calling to dismantle an entire law enforcement agency, and advocating for another civil war.

“While I spent the first days of the general election meeting with Arizonans to talk about how we’re going to tackle our state’s biggest challenges, Kari Lake has spent this time reminding us how extreme and out of touch she truly is,” Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for Governor Katie Hobbs said. “Far from putting ‘America First,’ Kari’s repeated calls to defund law enforcement and her talk of secession are dangerous and belong nowhere near our state’s highest office. 

“I’m running for governor so that Arizonans have a leader who will get to work from Day One on delivering solutions to our toughest problems – not someone who is trying to put us on the fast track to civil war,” Hobbs said.

Sunday’s “Unite and Win” event will be hosted by an organization that is facing a complaint for its illegal connections to Lake’s campaign.

Meanwhile, Hobbs has been engaging in conversations with Democrats, Independents, and Republicans who recoil at Lake’s descent into full-blown sedition. Just last weekend, the Secretary of State embarked on a multi-day tour of Arizona where she spoke with voters, law enforcement and local leaders on both sides of the aisle about solutions for everything from crippling inflation to border securityreproductive rights and the worsening water crisis.