Katie Hobbs Visits Tucson American Legion to Honor Veterans PHOENIX — Today, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs visited with American Legion Post 36 in Tucson to honor the hard work, sacrifice, and bravery of Arizona’s veterans. During her visit, Hobbs participated in a food drive for Tucson veterans and held a conversation with the Post 36 Board. …

Katie Hobbs’ Statement on Lake’s So-Called “Election Integrity” Rally PHOENIX—Today, Katie Hobbs released a statement on Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s dangerous attempt to sow doubt in voters’ minds about the 2020 election and future elections. “It’s no surprise that Kari Lake continues to undermine the integrity of our election system,” said Katie Hobbs. “She …

Senator Rosanna Gabaldón Endorses Katie Hobbs for Governor PHOENIX—Today, Arizona State Senator Rosanna Gabaldón endorsed Secretary Hobbs for Governor. “Secretary Hobbs has been a champion for our community who has stood up for Arizonans her entire career,” said Senator Gabaldón. “Her leadership during these times has proven she won’t back down when things get tough, …

Fund Her Endorses Katie Hobbs for Governor   PHOENIX—Today, Fund Her — a PAC dedicated to electing progressive women up and down the ballot — endorsed Secretary of State Katie Hobbs for governor of Arizona. “Fund Her is proud to stand with Secretary Hobbs for Arizona Governor,” said Founder Valerie McGinty. “Her clear vision, proven …